Defines an object that keeps track of the ordering of base containers in a pContainer.
void | clear (void) |
| Remove all information related to the current ordering. More...
ptr_bcontainer_type | prev (bc_base *bc) const |
| Returns the ordering pointer to the previous base container of the given base container bc .
ptr_bcontainer_type | next (bc_base *bc) const |
| Returns the ordering pointer to the next base container of the given base container bc .
bc_base * | first () const |
| Returns the pointer to the first local base container based on the local order.
bc_base * | last () const |
| Returns the pointer to the last local base container based on the local order.
void | set_prev (bcontainer_id_type id, ptr_bcontainer_type const &new_prev) |
| Updates the previous link information for the local base container referenced for id , with the given ordering pointer new_prev .
void | set_next (bcontainer_id_type id, ptr_bcontainer_type const &new_next) |
| Updates the next link information for the local base container referenced for id , with the given ordering pointer new_next .
bcontainer_id_type | find_id (bc_base *bc) |
| Returns the associated local identifier from the given base container pointer.
bc_base * | operator[] (bcontainer_id_type id) const |
void | insert (bc_base *pos, bc_base *bc, size_t rank=0) |
| Inserts the given base container bc , before the base container pos , assigning it the specified rank.
void | insert_after (bc_base *pos, bc_base *bc, size_t rank=0) |
| Inserts the given base container bc , after the base container pos , assigning it the specified rank.
void | insert (bc_base *bc, size_t rank, location_type next_loc, size_t next_rank) |
| Inserts the given base container bc locally and sets the previous base container information for the next base container specified, as well as the next base container information of the base container being inserted. More...
template<typename Functor > |
void | traverse_fw_helper (Functor func, bcontainer_id_type id) const |
| Helper function to invoke the forward traversal visitor with the given functor func over the local base container identified with id .
template<typename Functor > |
void | traverse_bw_helper (Functor func, bcontainer_id_type id) const |
| Helper function to invoke the backward traversal visitor with the given functor func over the local base container identified with id .
template<typename Functor > |
void | traverse_forward (Functor func, bc_base *bc, bool is_end=false) const |
| Visitor that applies the specified functor over the given base container bc and continues its forward traversal until the stop condition is reached.
template<typename Functor > |
void | traverse_backward (Functor func, bc_base *bc, bool is_end=false) const |
| Visitor that applies the specified functor over the given base container bc and continues its backward traversal until the stop condition is reached.
template<typename Functor > |
void | find_first (Functor &func) const |
| Find the first base container in the ordering based on the ordering information, and then iterate forward through the ordering to skip over empty base containers. More...
template<typename Functor > |
void | find_last (Functor &func) const |
| Find the last base container in the ordering based on the ordering information, and then iterate backward through the ordering to skip over empty base containers. More...
void | remove (bc_base *pos) |
| Removes the specified base container bc from the ordering object.
void | migrate (bc_base *mbc, follow_bcontainers_type conn) |
| Inserts the given migrated base container mbc and updates the links based on the given connection information conn .
void | move (bc_base *bc, location_type loc) |
| Moves the specified base container bc to the given location loc .
void | replace (bc_base *old_bc, bc_base *new_bc) |
| Replaces the given base container old_bc with the given new base container new_bc in the base container ordering.
void | set_rank (size_t id, size_t rank) |
| Set the rank for the base container associated with the local identifier id .
size_t | get_rank (size_t id) |
| Returns the rank of the base container associated with the local identifier id .
size_t | get_rank (bc_base *bc) |
| Returns the rank of the base container bc .
size_t | total_number_base_containers () const |
std::vector< aux_info > | get_init_rank (size_t steps) |
| Helper function to initialize the auxiliary information needed to compute the base container ranking. More...
runtime::location_md const & | get_location_md (void) const noexcept |
| Returns the location metadata of the location this object registered in.
runtime::location_md & | get_location_md (void) noexcept |
| Returns the location metadata of the location this object registered in. noexcept More...
rmi_handle::const_reference const & | get_rmi_handle (void) const noexcept |
| Returns the associated rmi_handle.
rmi_handle::reference const & | get_rmi_handle (void) noexcept |
| Returns the associated rmi_handle.
size_type | get_location_id (void) const noexcept |
| Returns the location id of the local sub-object.
size_type | get_num_locations (void) const noexcept |
| Returns the number of locations of the gang of this p_object.
void | advance_epoch (void) |
| Advances the epoch of the object. More...
void | unlock (void) |
| Used by lock_guard functionality in method of derived classes to request atomicity with respect to incoming RMIs. More...
void | lock (void) |
| Used by lock_guard functionality in method of derived classes to request atomicity with respect to incoming RMIs. More...
bool | try_lock (void) |
| Attempt to maintain atomicity with respect to incoming RMIs. More...
Defines an object that keeps track of the ordering of base containers in a pContainer.