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Support functions and classes for the Runtime System. More...

+ Collaboration diagram for Runtime Utilities:


class  stapl::runtime::exception
 Runtime base exception object. More...
class  stapl::runtime::runtime_error
 Runtime error exception object. More...
struct  stapl::runtime::heap_tracker_init
 Nifty counter idiom to initialize the heap tracker and keep it alive until the last object file that uses it is finalized. More...
class  stapl::runtime::memory_allocator
 Provides interfaces to do pool allocation for objects. More...
struct  stapl::runtime::uint_rng< size_t >
 Returns a suitable random number generator for the given unsigned integral type size. More...
class  stapl::runtime::any
 any can hold an object of any type. The object can be retrieved only by casting to the correct type. More...
class  stapl::runtime::any_range< T >
 Type erased range of const objects with associated size information. More...
class  stapl::runtime::block_registry< Key, Mapped >
 Implements a registry that allows registration of ranges (blocks) of keys to be used by an entity that has a unique id. More...
class  stapl::runtime::bool_mutex
 Bool based mutex. More...
class  stapl::runtime::c_string
 Wraps a C string into a class. More...
class  stapl::runtime::cache_line_aligned_allocator< T >
 An allocator that enforces that all allocated memory returned to the caller begins at the start of a cache line. More...
class  stapl::runtime::cache_line_aligned_storage< T >
 Storage for a single instance of type T. Class has alignas directive to ensure cache line alignment. Used as storage type for cache_line_aligned_vector. More...
class  stapl::runtime::cache_line_aligned_vector< T >
 Basic vector class based on std::vector which enforces cache line alignment. More...
struct  stapl::runtime::comparator< T, IsEmpty >
 Function object to test if two objects are equal. More...
class  stapl::runtime::comparable_proxy
 Proxy object that allows type-erased objects or function pointers to be compared between them. More...
struct  std::hash< stapl::runtime::comparable_proxy >
 Hash value creation functor for stapl::runtime::comparable_proxy. More...
struct  stapl::runtime::identity< Arg, Result >
 Identity mapping function. More...
struct  stapl::runtime::blocked< Arg, Result >
 Block mapping function. More...
struct  stapl::runtime::fixed< Result >
 Fixed mapping function. More...
struct  stapl::runtime::arbitrary< Arg, Result >
 Arbitrary mapping function. More...
class  stapl::runtime::logical_clock
 Implements a logical clock for managing epochs. More...
class  stapl::runtime::malloc_allocator< T >
 An allocator that uses std::malloc() directly. More...
class  stapl::runtime::papi_clock
 Represents a clock based on PAPI_get_real_usec(). More...
class  stapl::runtime::papi_cycle_clock
 Represents a clock based on PAPI_get_real_cyc() and MHz. More...
class  stapl::runtime::pool
 Pool of memory chunks of a specific size. More...
class  stapl::runtime::ref_counted< T, Deleter >
 Provides a reference counting mechanism for objects that derive from it. More...
class  stapl::runtime::ref_counted_wrapper< T >
 Wrapper over T to make it conformable with ref_counted. More...
class  stapl::runtime::ref_counted_range< T >
 Provides a range-based interface for ref_counted derived objects. More...
class  stapl::runtime::spmd_registry
 Registry for SPMD-registered objects. More...
class  stapl::runtime::timer< Clock >
 Provides a timer mechanism. More...
class  stapl::runtime::binomial_tree_iterator< IntType, Size >
 Iterator to generate range of children ids required from make_binomial_tree. More...
class  stapl::runtime::tl_pools
 Thread local memory chunk pools. More...
class  stapl::runtime::nested_wf
 Function object to create a new threads-only environment. More...
class  stapl::runtime::global_wf
 Function object to create a new distributed or mixed-mode environment. More...


 Ensures the given input condition is true. More...
#define STAPL_RUNTIME_ERROR(M)   stapl::runtime::assert_fail("STAPL Runtime Error: " M, BOOST_CURRENT_FUNCTION)
 Prints the given message and aborts execution.
#define STAPL_RUNTIME_WARNING(M)   stapl::runtime::warning("STAPL Runtime Warning: " M, BOOST_CURRENT_FUNCTION)
 Prints the given message as a warning.
 Ensures the given input condition is true. More...
 Ensures the given input condition is true. More...
#define STAPL_USE_MANAGED_ALLOC(class_name)
 Enables allocation through a pool back by the stapl::runtime::memory_allocator for the class that this macro is in. More...


int stapl::runtime::get_debug_level (void) noexcept
 Returns the debug level of the runtime.
constexpr std::size_t stapl::runtime::new_impl::normalize_size (const std::size_t s) noexcept
 Normalizes small number of bytes to specific buckets. More...
template<typename T , typename Handle >
T & stapl::runtime::retrieve_object (Handle &&h, location_md &l) noexcept
 Returns a reference to the object that h refers to. More...
template<typename T , typename Handle >
T * stapl::runtime::try_retrieve_object (Handle &&h, location_md *const l) noexcept
 Attempts to return a pointer to the object that h refers to. More...
c_string stapl::runtime::demangle (const char *)
 Returns a demangled version of the given mangled name.
c_string stapl::runtime::demangle (c_string const &)
 Returns a demangled version of the given mangled name.
std::size_t stapl::runtime::get_total_physical_memory (void) noexcept
 Returns the total amount of physical memory in bytes.
std::size_t stapl::runtime::get_used_physical_memory (void) noexcept
 Returns the amount of physical memory that is being used in bytes.
std::size_t stapl::runtime::get_available_physical_memory (void) noexcept
 Returns the amount of physical memory available in bytes.
std::size_t stapl::runtime::get_physical_memory_load (void) noexcept
 Returns the percentage of physical memory that is being used (0-100).
std::size_t stapl::runtime::get_num_hardware_threads (void) noexcept
 Returns the number of hardware threads on the system.
template<typename Range , typename T >
auto stapl::runtime::find_index (Range const &r, T const &v) noexcept -> typename std::iterator_traits< decltype(std::begin(r))>::difference_type
 Finds index of the given element in a range. More...
template<typename Range >
bool stapl::runtime::all_unique (Range const &r)
 Returns true if the range has unique elements, otherwise returns false.
template<typename UIntType >
UIntType stapl::runtime::integral_ceil_log2 (UIntType i) noexcept
 Log2 algorithm for unsigned integral types. More...
template<typename UIntType , typename Size >
UIntType stapl::runtime::set_bits (UIntType dst, UIntType v, Size msb, Size lsb) noexcept
 Sets the [msb, lsb] bits of dst to value v and returns the new dst.
template<typename UIntType , typename Size >
UIntType stapl::runtime::read_bits (UIntType dst, Size msb, Size lsb) noexcept
 Reads the [msb, lsb] bits of dst.
template<typename T >
std::vector< T > stapl::runtime::make_vector (std::vector< T > v)
 Returns a std::vector<T>. More...
template<typename T , typename InputIterator >
std::vector< T > stapl::runtime::make_vector (InputIterator first, InputIterator last)
 Returns a std::vector<T>. More...
template<typename T , typename U , typename = typename std::enable_if< !std::is_same< std::vector<T>, typename std::decay<U>::type >::value>::type>
std::vector< T > stapl::runtime::make_vector (U &&u)
 Returns a std::vector<T>. More...
template<typename T , typename Deleter >
void stapl::runtime::intrusive_ptr_add_ref (ref_counted< T, Deleter > *p) noexcept
 Increases the reference count of the object pointed to by p. More...
template<typename T , typename Deleter >
void stapl::runtime::intrusive_ptr_release (ref_counted< T, Deleter > *p) noexcept
 Decreases the reference count of the object pointed to by p and and deletes it if the count has reached 0. More...
template<typename T , typename... Args>
boost::intrusive_ptr< T > stapl::runtime::make_ref_counted (Args &&... args)
 Constructs an object of type T that provides the interface and functionality of ref_counter using args as the parameter list for the constructor of T.
template<typename T >
std::vector< T > stapl::runtime::split_string_to_vector (std::string const &s, const char *delims)
 Splits the given std::string to a vector of T, based on the delimiters. More...
template<typename IntType , typename Size >
std::tuple< IntType, IntType, decltype(boost::irange(std::declval< IntType >), std::declval< IntType >)))> stapl::runtime::make_flat_tree (IntType myid, Size n)
 Returns the root, parent and children ids for the part of a flat tree that myid belongs to. More...
template<typename IntType , typename Size >
std::tuple< IntType, IntType, decltype(boost::irange(std::declval< IntType >), std::declval< IntType >)))> stapl::runtime::make_binary_tree (IntType myid, Size n)
 Returns the root, parent and children ids for the part of a binary tree that myid belongs to. More...
template<typename IntType , typename Size >
std::tuple< IntType, IntType, boost::iterator_range< binomial_tree_iterator< IntType, Size > > > stapl::runtime::make_binomial_tree (IntType myid, Size n)
 Returns the root, parent and children ids for the part of a binomial tree that myid belongs to. More...
template<typename... T>
void stapl::runtime::unused (T &&...)
 Function to remove warnings on unused variables.
std::size_t hash_value (comparable_proxy const &t) noexcept
 Returns the hash value for t.


static struct stapl::runtime::heap_tracker_init stapl::runtime::hpi

Detailed Description

Support functions and classes for the Runtime System.

Macro Definition Documentation


( (E) ? \
(static_cast<void>(0)) : \
(stapl::runtime::assert_fail("STAPL Runtime Check Failed (" #E "): " M, \

Ensures the given input condition is true.

If E is true, nothing happens, otherwise the error message M is printed and the program aborts.

This is not disabled by STAPL_NDEBUG or STAPL_RUNTIME_NDEBUG.


( (std::uncaught_exception() || (E)) ? \
(static_cast<void>(0)) : \
(stapl::runtime::assert_fail("STAPL Runtime Assertion (" #E ") failed", \

Ensures the given input condition is true.

If E is true, nothing happens, otherwise the E is printed and the program aborts.


( (std::uncaught_exception() || (E)) ? \
(static_cast<void>(0)) : \
(stapl::runtime::assert_fail("STAPL Runtime Assertion: \"" M "\"", \

Ensures the given input condition is true.

If E is true, nothing happens, otherwise the error message M is printed and the program aborts.


#define STAPL_USE_MANAGED_ALLOC (   class_name)
static void* operator new(std::size_t size) \
{ \
STAPL_RUNTIME_ASSERT_MSG(size==sizeof(class_name), "sizes do not match"); \
const std::size_t ns = stapl::runtime::new_impl::normalize_size(size); \
} \
static void operator delete(void* p, std::size_t size) noexcept \
{ \
STAPL_RUNTIME_ASSERT_MSG(size==sizeof(class_name), "sizes do not match"); \
const std::size_t ns = stapl::runtime::new_impl::normalize_size(size); \
static void deallocate(void *, std::size_t) noexcept
Returns the allocated storage.
constexpr std::size_t normalize_size(const std::size_t s) noexcept
Normalizes small number of bytes to specific buckets.
Definition: new.hpp:102
static void * allocate(std::size_t)
Allocates the requested number of bytes.

Enables allocation through a pool back by the stapl::runtime::memory_allocator for the class that this macro is in.

This macro has to be after a public storage specifier.

Function Documentation

◆ normalize_size()

constexpr std::size_t stapl::runtime::new_impl::normalize_size ( const std::size_t  s)

Normalizes small number of bytes to specific buckets.

If the number of bytes is less that 16, 32, 64 or 128, then it goes to the 16-byte bucket, 32-byte bucket, 64-byte bucket or 128-byte bucket respectively.

◆ retrieve_object()

template<typename T , typename Handle >
T& stapl::runtime::retrieve_object ( Handle &&  h,
location_md l 

Returns a reference to the object that h refers to.

◆ try_retrieve_object()

template<typename T , typename Handle >
T* stapl::runtime::try_retrieve_object ( Handle &&  h,
location_md *const  l 

Attempts to return a pointer to the object that h refers to.

This function will return a pointer to the object even if the requesting code executes in a gang other than the one that the object was registered in. The only requirement is that the location the object registered in and the location that the caller executes in are scheduled on the same thread.

If the function is given an invalid handle, it will return nullptr.

◆ find_index()

template<typename Range , typename T >
auto stapl::runtime::find_index ( Range const &  r,
T const &  v 
) -> typename std::iterator_traits<decltype(std::begin(r))>::difference_type

Finds index of the given element in a range.

Template Parameters
RangeRange type.
TElement type.
This function has $O(n)$ time complexity.
rRange to find the element in.
vElement to be found.
The index of v in r. If not found, returns r.size().

◆ integral_ceil_log2()

template<typename UIntType >
UIntType stapl::runtime::integral_ceil_log2 ( UIntType  i)

Log2 algorithm for unsigned integral types.


◆ make_vector() [1/3]

template<typename T >
std::vector<T> stapl::runtime::make_vector ( std::vector< T >  v)

Returns a std::vector<T>.

vThe vector to return.

◆ make_vector() [2/3]

template<typename T , typename InputIterator >
std::vector<T> stapl::runtime::make_vector ( InputIterator  first,
InputIterator  last 

Returns a std::vector<T>.

firstIterator to the start of the range.
lastIterator to the end of the range.

◆ make_vector() [3/3]

template<typename T , typename U , typename = typename std::enable_if< !std::is_same< std::vector<T>, typename std::decay<U>::type >::value>::type>
std::vector<T> stapl::runtime::make_vector ( U &&  u)

Returns a std::vector<T>.

uValue range.

◆ intrusive_ptr_add_ref()

template<typename T , typename Deleter >
void stapl::runtime::intrusive_ptr_add_ref ( ref_counted< T, Deleter > *  p)

Increases the reference count of the object pointed to by p.

Required for boost::intrusive_ptr compliance.

◆ intrusive_ptr_release()

template<typename T , typename Deleter >
void stapl::runtime::intrusive_ptr_release ( ref_counted< T, Deleter > *  p)

Decreases the reference count of the object pointed to by p and and deletes it if the count has reached 0.

Required for boost::intrusive_ptr compliance.

◆ split_string_to_vector()

template<typename T >
std::vector<T> stapl::runtime::split_string_to_vector ( std::string const &  s,
const char *  delims 

Splits the given std::string to a vector of T, based on the delimiters.

sString to split.
delimsList of delimiters to split the string with.
An std::vector of the tokens or an empty std::vector if an error occurred.

◆ make_flat_tree()

template<typename IntType , typename Size >
std::tuple<IntType, IntType, decltype(boost::irange(std::declval<IntType>), std::declval<IntType>)))> stapl::runtime::make_flat_tree ( IntType  myid,
Size  n 

Returns the root, parent and children ids for the part of a flat tree that myid belongs to.

Template Parameters
IntTypeIntegral type.
myidId for which the part of the tree will be generated.
nTotal number of ids.
A tuple with the root, parent and children ids as a range.

◆ make_binary_tree()

template<typename IntType , typename Size >
std::tuple<IntType, IntType, decltype(boost::irange(std::declval<IntType>), std::declval<IntType>)))> stapl::runtime::make_binary_tree ( IntType  myid,
Size  n 

Returns the root, parent and children ids for the part of a binary tree that myid belongs to.

Template Parameters
IntTypeIntegral type.
myidId for which the part of the tree will be generated.
nTotal number of ids.
A tuple with the root, parent and children ids.

◆ make_binomial_tree()

template<typename IntType , typename Size >
std::tuple<IntType, IntType, boost::iterator_range<binomial_tree_iterator<IntType, Size> > > stapl::runtime::make_binomial_tree ( IntType  myid,
Size  n 

Returns the root, parent and children ids for the part of a binomial tree that myid belongs to.

Template Parameters
IntTypeIntegral type.
myidId for which the part of the tree will be generated.
nTotal number of ids.
A tuple with the root, parent and children ids.