class | stapl::runtime::aggregator |
| Aggregator for point-to-point requests. More...
class | stapl::runtime::bcast_aggregator |
| Aggregator for ordered and unordered broadcast requests. More...
class | stapl::runtime::rpc_aggregator |
| Aggregator for RPC requests to a process or a range of processes. More...
class | stapl::runtime::location_rpc_aggregator |
| Aggregator for RPC requests to a single location. More...
class | stapl::runtime::all_locations_rpc_aggregator |
| Aggregator for RPC requests to all locations of a gang. More...
class | stapl::runtime::managed_locations_rpc_aggregator |
| Aggregator for RPC requests to all locations in shared memory. More...
class | stapl::runtime::response_aggregator |
| Aggregator for responses to requests. More...
class | stapl::runtime::async_result< T, IsBasic > |
| Storage for a result that can be asynchronously assigned and retrieved. More...
class | stapl::runtime::async_results< T > |
| Storage for an array of results that can be asynchronously assigned and retrieved. More...
class | stapl::runtime::continuation_request< Function, Future > |
| Calls function f with a Future created with t .... More...
class | stapl::runtime::future_base< T > |
| Provides a common base for an asynchronously returned object. More...
class | stapl::runtime::futures_base< T > |
| Provides a common base for asynchronously returned arrays of objects. More...
class | stapl::runtime::ready_future< T > |
| future_base implementation for ready values. More...
class | stapl::runtime::ready_futures< T > |
| futures_base implementation for ready values. More...
struct | stapl::runtime::message_delete |
| Deleter for message objects. More...
class | stapl::runtime::message |
| Communication buffer. More...
class | stapl::runtime::message_shared_ptr |
| Intrusive message shared pointer. More...
class | stapl::runtime::message_slist |
| Intrusive message list. More...
class | stapl::runtime::managed_locations_info |
| Container that associates parent gang to child gang location ids only for locally managed locations. More...
class | stapl::runtime::single_location_construct_request< Callback, Function > |
| Request to construct an object in a new single location gang. More...
class | stapl::runtime::all_locs_construct_request< Callback, Function, LocallyManagedOnly > |
| Request to construct an object on all locally managed locations. More...
class | stapl::runtime::construct_request< Callback, Function, LocationMapping > |
| Request to construct an object in a new gang over specific locations of an existing gang. More...
class | stapl::runtime::call_promise_set_value |
| Calls promise<rmi_handle::reference>::set_value() from location 0. More...
struct | stapl::runtime::create_object< T > |
| Calls the constructor of T with Args . More...
struct | stapl::runtime::external_caller< R > |
| Function object that calls a function passed from external_call(). More...
class | stapl::runtime::delete_object_request< T, Deleter > |
| Request to delete a distributed object. More...
class | stapl::runtime::response< Handle > |
| Function object to assign an object to a known address. More...
class | stapl::runtime::indexed_response< Handle > |
| Function object to assign an object to a known address that expects multiple objects. More...
class | stapl::runtime::handle_response< ObjectHandle, Handle > |
| Function object to assign an object to a distributed object via the Handle::set_value() function. More...
class | stapl::runtime::indexed_handle_response< ObjectHandle, Handle > |
| Function object to assign an object to a distributed object that accepts multiple objects via the Handle::set_value() function. More...
class | stapl::runtime::active_handle_response< ObjectHandle, Handle > |
| Function object to call the function operator of a distributed object with the given value. More...
class | stapl::runtime::restore_request< ObjectHandle, MemFun, T > |
| Request for restoring an SPMD section. More...
class | stapl::runtime::async_rpc_request< FunPtr, T > |
| Remote Procedure Call (RPC) request that discards return values. More...
class | stapl::runtime::arg_storage< T > |
| Storage for an object of type T that is retrieved by lvalue reference. More...
struct | stapl::runtime::make_arg_storage< T, R, typename > |
| Argument storage type creation metafunction. More...
class | stapl::runtime::non_const_arg_storage< T > |
| Storage for a non-const, non-basic, non-distributed object that is retrieved by non-const lvalue reference to non-basic object. More...
class | stapl::runtime::p_object_ref_storage< T > |
| Storage for an lvalue reference to a distributed object. More...
class | stapl::runtime::non_const_ptr_storage< T > |
| Storage for a pointer to non-const, non-basic, non-distributed object that is retrieved by pointer to a non-const, non-basic object. More...
class | stapl::runtime::rval_storage< T > |
| Storage for an object that is retrieved by rvalue reference. More...
class | stapl::runtime::moved_object_storage< T > |
| Storage for an object that is moved and retrieved either by copy or by rvalue reference. More...
class | stapl::runtime::moved_cref_storage< T > |
| Storage for a moved object that is retrieved by const reference. More...
class | stapl::runtime::moved_ref_storage< T > |
| Storage for a moved object that is retrieved by reference. More...
class | stapl::runtime::copied_arg_storage< T > |
| Storage for a moved object that is retrieved by copy or by const reference. More...
class | stapl::runtime::copied_ref_storage< T > |
| Storage for a moved object that is retrieved by non-const reference. More...
struct | stapl::runtime::make_arguments< F, T... > |
| Metafuction for creating a tuple of arg_storage_t to store the objects in list T . More...
class | stapl::runtime::nc_async_rmi_request< ObjectHandle, MemFun, T > |
| RMI request that discards the return value. More...
class | stapl::runtime::async_rmi_request< ObjectHandle, MemFun, T > |
| RMI request that discards the return value and supports combining. More...
class | stapl::runtime::header |
| Provides the enum and the different headers for communication. More...
class | stapl::runtime::location_rpc_request |
| Encapsulates an RPC request directed to a location for subsequent execution via the function operator. More...
struct | stapl::runtime::packed_value< T > |
| Handles unpacking objects stored in an arg_storage. More...
class | stapl::runtime::rmi_delegate |
| Delegate for an RMI request. More...
class | stapl::runtime::rmi_request |
| Encapsulates an RMI request for subsequent execution via the function operator. More...
class | stapl::runtime::combined_request_size |
| Information about the size of combined requests. More...
class | stapl::runtime::combinable_rmi_request< EmptyArgs > |
| Encapsulates an RMI request that supports combining for subsequent execution via the function operator. More...
class | stapl::runtime::rpc_request |
| Encapsulates an RPC request directed to a process for subsequent execution via the function operator. More...
class | stapl::runtime::sync_rmi_request< ReturnCallback, ObjectHandle, MemFun, T > |
| RMI request that calls the given callback with the return value of the function. More...
class | stapl::runtime::executor_rmi_request< Function, RetFunction > |
| Request for executing the given function on the destination location. More...
class | stapl::runtime::reduce_rmi_handle< T, BinaryOperation > |
| Handle to wait for values from reduce_rmi(). More...
class | stapl::runtime::try_rmi_request< MemFun, T > |
| RMI request that will not execute if the distributed object has been destroyed and that discards the return value. More...
class | stapl::runtime::packed_handle |
| Packs rmi_handle::reference and rmi_handle::const_reference for use in requests. More...
class | stapl::runtime::packed_handle_epoch |
| Packs rmi_handle::reference and rmi_handle::const_reference and the epoch for use in requests. More...
struct | stapl::runtime::is_appropriate_handle< Handle, PMF > |
| Returns std::true_type if Handle can be used to call PMF , otherwise std::false_type . More...
struct | stapl::runtime::no_implicit_flush_t |
| Tag type to mark that a flush is not implicit. More...
class | stapl::runtime::value_handle< R > |
| Handle for receiving one result. More...
class | stapl::runtime::values_handle< R > |
| Handle for receiving multiple results. More...
template<typename Handle > |
context::epoch_type | stapl::runtime::find_target_epoch (context const &ctx, Handle const &h) noexcept |
| Returns the epoch that a request from context ctx on handle h should execute in. More...
template<typename Handle > |
gang_md * | stapl::runtime::find_target_gang_md (context &ctx, Handle const &h) noexcept |
| Returns if possible the gang metadata associated with h , otherwise nullptr . More...
message_ptr | stapl::runtime::make_message_ptr (message *const m) |
| Returns a message_ptr from m . More...
template<typename Callback , typename Function > |
void | stapl::runtime::construct_all_impl (Callback &&c, gang_md &g, const context::epoch_type e, const gang_md::id new_gid, Function &&f) |
| Creates a distributed object through f on all locations of gang g . More...
template<typename ProcessRange , typename Callback , typename Function > |
void | stapl::runtime::call_construct_all_impl (ProcessRange &&pids, Callback &&c, const gang_md::id gid, const context::epoch_type e, const gang_md::id new_gid, Function &&f) |
| Calls construct_all_impl() on processes pids . More...
template<typename Callback , typename T , typename Function > |
void | stapl::runtime::construct_range_impl (Callback &&c, gang_md &g, location_range_wrapper< T > const &r, const context::epoch_type e, const gang_md::id new_gid, Function &&f) |
| Creates a distributed object through f on the subset locs of the locations of the gang associated with g . More...
template<typename ProcessRange , typename Callback , typename T , typename Function > |
void | stapl::runtime::call_construct_range_impl (ProcessRange &&pids, Callback &&c, const gang_md::id gid, location_range_wrapper< T > const &r, const context::epoch_type e, const gang_md::id new_gid, Function &&f) |
| Calls construct_range_impl() on processes pids . More...
template<typename Callback , typename T , typename Function > |
void | stapl::runtime::fwd_construct_range_impl (Callback &&c, gang_md &g, location_range_wrapper< T > const &r, const context::epoch_type e, Function &&f) |
| Target for forwarding the request to construct_range_impl(). More...
template<typename T , typename... Args> |
auto | stapl::runtime::call_constructor (Args &&... args) -> decltype(std::bind(create_object< T > |
| Creates a function object used to construct an instance T with args .
template<typename Callback , typename Function > |
void | stapl::runtime::construct_single (Callback &&c, gang_md::id gid, gang_md *g, const location_md::id lid, const context::epoch_type e, Function &&f) |
| Creates a distributed object through f in a new single location gang over location lid of gang g . More...
template<typename Callback , typename Function > |
void | stapl::runtime::construct_neighbors (Callback &&c, gang_md &g, const context::epoch_type e, Function &&f) |
| Creates a distributed object through f in a new gang over all the locations of the gang associated with ctx that are on shared memory. More...
template<typename Callback , typename Function > |
void | stapl::runtime::construct_all (Callback &&c, const gang_md::id gid, gang_md *g, const context::epoch_type e, Function &&f) |
| Creates a distributed object through f in a new gang over all locations of the gang of h . More...
template<typename Callback , typename T , typename Function > |
void | stapl::runtime::construct_range (Callback &&c, gang_md::id gid, gang_md *g, location_range_wrapper< T > const &r, const context::epoch_type e, Function &&f) |
| Creates a distributed object through f in a new gang over the range r of the locations of the gang associated with g . More...
template<typename F , typename Range , typename... T> |
void | stapl::runtime::rpc (F &&f, Range &&pids, T &&... t) |
| Remote Procedure Call (RPC) to process primitive. More...
template<typename Tuple , std::size_t... I, typename... T> |
std::size_t | stapl::runtime::dynamic_size (index_sequence< I... >, T &&... t) noexcept |
| Returns the dynamic size required for storing the objects t ... in a arguments_t.
template<typename F , typename Tuple , std::size_t... I> |
auto | stapl::runtime::invoke (F &&f, Tuple &args, void *const base, index_sequence< I... >) -> decltype(std::forward< F >(f)(std::get< I >(args).get(base)...)) |
| Calls f with the stored objects in args passed as arguments. More...
template<typename MemFun , typename Base , typename Tuple , std::size_t... I> |
auto | stapl::runtime::invoke (MemFun const &pmf, Base &ref, Tuple &args, void *const base, index_sequence< I... >) -> decltype((ref.*pmf)(std::get< I >(args).get(base)...)) |
| Calls the member function pmf on ref with the stored objects in args passed as arguments. More...
template<typename MemFun , typename Base , typename Tuple , std::size_t... I> |
auto | stapl::runtime::invoke (MemFun const &pmf, Base &ref, Tuple &args, void *const base, std::size_t &size, index_sequence< I... >) -> decltype((ref.*pmf)(std::get< I >(args).get(base, size)...)) |
| Calls the member function pmf on ref with the stored objects in args passed as arguments. More...
template<typename Tuple , std::size_t... I> |
void | stapl::runtime::cleanup (Tuple &, index_sequence< I... >) |
| Releases any resources associated with the stored objects if invoke() was not called. More...
void | stapl::runtime::rmi_fence (context &) |
| Ensures that all outstanding RMI requests have been completed. More...
void | stapl::runtime::rmi_fence (context &, std::function< bool(void)> f) |
| Ensures that all outstanding RMI requests have been completed and the return value of f is true . More...
void | stapl::runtime::scheduling_point (context &) |
| Yields the location to execute some requests.
template<typename Predicate > |
bool | stapl::runtime::yield_until (context &ctx, Predicate &&pred) |
| Yields until pred returns true . More...
template<typename Predicate > |
bool | stapl::runtime::yield_until (const no_context_t, Predicate &&pred) |
| Yields until pred returns true . More...
template<typename Predicate > |
bool | stapl::runtime::yield_until (Predicate &&pred) |
| Yields until pred returns true . More...
template<typename Predicate > |
bool | stapl::runtime::yield_if_not (context &ctx, Predicate &&pred) |
| Yields if pred does not return true . More...
template<typename Predicate > |
bool | stapl::runtime::yield_if_not (const no_context_t, Predicate &&pred) |
| Yields if pred does not return true . More...
template<typename Predicate > |
bool | stapl::runtime::yield_if_not (Predicate &&pred) |
| Yields if pred does not return true . More...
template<typename Function > |
void | stapl::runtime::rmi_fence_impl (context &ctx, Function &&f) |
| RMI fence implementation. More...