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stapl::hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > Member List

This is the complete list of members for stapl::hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived >, including all inherited members.

add_edge(vertex_descriptor const &src, vertex_descriptor const &tgt)stapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >
add_edge(vertex_descriptor const &src, vertex_descriptor const &tgt, edge_property const &p)stapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >
add_edge(edge_descriptor const &ed)stapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >
add_edge(edge_descriptor const &ed, edge_property const &p)stapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >
add_edge_async(vertex_descriptor const &src, vertex_descriptor const &tgt)stapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >
add_edge_async(vertex_descriptor const &src, vertex_descriptor const &tgt, edge_property const &p)stapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >
add_edge_async(edge_descriptor const &ed)stapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >
add_edge_async(edge_descriptor const &ed, edge_property const &p)stapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >
add_vertex(void)stapl::hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived >
add_vertex(vertex_property const &vp)stapl::hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived >
add_vertex(vertex_descriptor const &vd, vertex_property const &vp)stapl::hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived >
graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >::add_vertex(vertex_descriptor const &vd, vertex_property const &vp, Functor const &f)stapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >
add_vertex_uniform(vertex_property const &vp)stapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >
adj_edge_iterator typedefstapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >
advance(index_t const &index, Distance n) conststapl::view_operations::sequence< select_derived< hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived >, graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > > >::type >
apply_get(index_t const &index, Functor f)stapl::view_operations::read< Derived >
apply_get(index_t const &index, Functor f) conststapl::view_operations::read< Derived >
apply_set(vertex_descriptor const &gid, F const &f)stapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >
apply_set(index_t const &index, Functor f) (defined in stapl::view_operations::write< Derived >)stapl::view_operations::write< Derived >
base_type typedef (defined in stapl::hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived >)stapl::hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived >
begin(void) (defined in stapl::view_operations::sequence< select_derived< hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived >, graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > > >::type >)stapl::view_operations::sequence< select_derived< hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived >, graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > > >::type >
begin(void) const (defined in stapl::view_operations::sequence< select_derived< hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived >, graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > > >::type >)stapl::view_operations::sequence< select_derived< hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived >, graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > > >::type >
children(vertex_descriptor const &vd) conststapl::hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived >
clear(void)stapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >
const_adj_edge_iterator typedef (defined in stapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >)stapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >
const_iterator typedef (defined in stapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >)stapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >
const_vertex_iterator typedef (defined in stapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >)stapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >
container(void) (defined in stapl::core_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc >)stapl::core_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc >
container(void) conststapl::core_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc >
container_ptr(void) conststapl::view_impl::object_holder< PG >protected
core_view(void) (defined in stapl::core_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc >)stapl::core_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc >
core_view(core_view &&)=default (defined in stapl::core_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc >)stapl::core_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc >
core_view(core_view const &other)stapl::core_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc >
core_view(view_container_type *vcont, domain_type const &dom, map_func_type mfunc=MapFunc())stapl::core_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc >
core_view(view_container_type const &vcont, domain_type const &dom, map_func_type mfunc=MapFunc())stapl::core_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc >
delete_edge(vertex_descriptor const &src, vertex_descriptor const &tgt)stapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >
delete_edge(edge_descriptor const &ed)stapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >
delete_vertex(vertex_descriptor const &vd)stapl::hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived >
distance(index_t const &index1, index_t const &index2) const (defined in stapl::view_operations::sequence< select_derived< hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived >, graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > > >::type >)stapl::view_operations::sequence< select_derived< hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived >, graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > > >::type >
domain(void) const (defined in stapl::core_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc >)stapl::core_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc >
domain(void) (defined in stapl::core_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc >)stapl::core_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc >
domain_type typedef (defined in stapl::core_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc >)stapl::core_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc >
edge_descriptor typedef (defined in stapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >)stapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >
edge_property typedef (defined in stapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >)stapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >
empty(void) conststapl::core_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc >
end(void) (defined in stapl::view_operations::sequence< select_derived< hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived >, graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > > >::type >)stapl::view_operations::sequence< select_derived< hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived >, graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > > >::type >
end(void) const (defined in stapl::view_operations::sequence< select_derived< hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived >, graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > > >::type >)stapl::view_operations::sequence< select_derived< hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived >, graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > > >::type >
ep_apply(edge_descriptor const &ed, Functor const &f)stapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >
ep_apply_async(edge_descriptor const &ed, Functor const &f)stapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >
find_vertex(vertex_descriptor const &vd) conststapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >
get_container(void) conststapl::core_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc >
get_element(index_t const &index) conststapl::view_operations::read< Derived >
get_element_split(index_t const &index) conststapl::view_operations::read< Derived >
gid_type typedef (defined in stapl::core_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc >)stapl::core_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc >
graph_view(void)=default (defined in stapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >)stapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >
graph_view(graph_view const &)=default (defined in stapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >)stapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >
graph_view(graph_view &&)=default (defined in stapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >)stapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >
graph_view(view_container_type *vcont, domain_type const &dom, map_func_type mfunc=MapFunc())stapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >
graph_view(view_container_type *vcont, domain_type const &dom, map_func_type mfunc, OV const &)stapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >
graph_view(view_container_type const &vcont, domain_type const &dom, map_func_type mfunc=MapFunc())stapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >
graph_view(view_container_type const &vcont, domain_type const &dom, map_func_type mfunc, graph_view const &)stapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >
graph_view(view_container_type const &vcont, domain_type const &dom, map_func_type mfunc, OV const &)stapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >
graph_view(view_container_type *vcont)stapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >
graph_view(view_container_type &vcont)stapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >
graph_view(view_container_type const &vcont)stapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >
graph_view(graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived1 > const &other)stapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >
graph_view(graph_view< PG, iterator_domain< T1, T2 >, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > > const &other)stapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >
has_edge(vertex_descriptor const &source, vertex_descriptor const &target)stapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >
hgraph_view(void) (defined in stapl::hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived >)stapl::hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived >
hgraph_view(view_container_type *vcont, domain_type const &dom, map_func_type mfunc=MapFunc(), size_t lvl=0)stapl::hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived >
hgraph_view(view_container_type const &vcont, domain_type const &dom, map_func_type mfunc=MapFunc(), size_t lvl=0)stapl::hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived >
hgraph_view(view_container_type const &vcont, domain_type const &dom, map_func_type mfunc, hgraph_view const &other)stapl::hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived >
hgraph_view(view_container_type *vcont, bool use_container_domain=false)stapl::hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived >
hgraph_view(view_container_type const &vcont, bool use_container_domain=false)stapl::hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived >
hgraph_view(hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived1 > const &other)stapl::hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived >
index_type typedef (defined in stapl::core_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc >)stapl::core_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc >
insert_edge(vertex_descriptor const &src, vertex_descriptor const &tgt, edge_property const &p, Comp const &comp)stapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >
insert_edge(edge_descriptor const &ed, edge_property const &p, Comp const &comp)stapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >
insert_edge_async(vertex_descriptor const &src, vertex_descriptor const &tgt, edge_property const &p, Comp const &comp)stapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >
insert_edge_async(edge_descriptor const &ed, edge_property const &p, Comp const &comp)stapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >
is_directed(void) const (defined in stapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >)stapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >
is_valid(void) const (defined in stapl::core_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc >)stapl::core_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc >
iterator typedefstapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >
less_than(index_t const &index1, index_t const &index2) const (defined in stapl::view_operations::sequence< select_derived< hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived >, graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > > >::type >)stapl::view_operations::sequence< select_derived< hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived >, graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > > >::type >
level(void) const (defined in stapl::hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived >)stapl::hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived >
m_levelstapl::hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived >protected
m_ptr (defined in stapl::view_impl::object_holder< PG >)stapl::view_impl::object_holder< PG >
m_sptr (defined in stapl::view_impl::object_holder< PG >)stapl::view_impl::object_holder< PG >
make_iterator(index_t i) (defined in stapl::view_operations::sequence< select_derived< hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived >, graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > > >::type >)stapl::view_operations::sequence< select_derived< hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived >, graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > > >::type >
make_iterator_t typedef (defined in stapl::view_operations::sequence< select_derived< hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived >, graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > > >::type >)stapl::view_operations::sequence< select_derived< hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived >, graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > > >::type >
make_reference(index_t const &index) const (defined in stapl::view_operations::subscript< graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > > >)stapl::view_operations::subscript< graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > > >
map_func_type typedef (defined in stapl::core_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc >)stapl::core_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc >
mapfunc(void) const (defined in stapl::core_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc >)stapl::core_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc >
next(index_t const &index) conststapl::view_operations::sequence< select_derived< hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived >, graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > > >::type >
num_edges(void) conststapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >
num_edges_collective(void) conststapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >
num_local_edges(void) conststapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >
num_vertices(void) conststapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >
object_holder(void) (defined in stapl::view_impl::object_holder< PG >)stapl::view_impl::object_holder< PG >protected
object_holder(object_holder const &other) (defined in stapl::view_impl::object_holder< PG >)stapl::view_impl::object_holder< PG >protected
object_holder(PG *ct) (defined in stapl::view_impl::object_holder< PG >)stapl::view_impl::object_holder< PG >explicitprotected
object_holder(PG const &ct) (defined in stapl::view_impl::object_holder< PG >)stapl::view_impl::object_holder< PG >explicitprotected
operator=(graph_view const &)=default (defined in stapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >)stapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >
operator=(core_view const &)=default (defined in stapl::core_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc >)stapl::core_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc >
operator=(object_holder const &rhs) (defined in stapl::view_impl::object_holder< PG >)stapl::view_impl::object_holder< PG >protected
operator[](index_t const &index) conststapl::view_operations::subscript< graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > > >
prev(index_t const &index) conststapl::view_operations::sequence< select_derived< hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived >, graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > > >::type >
reference_t typedef (defined in stapl::view_operations::subscript< graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > > >)stapl::view_operations::subscript< graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > > >
set_domain(domain_type const &dom) (defined in stapl::core_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc >)stapl::core_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc >
set_element(index_t const &index, value_t const &value) (defined in stapl::view_operations::write< Derived >)stapl::view_operations::write< Derived >
size(void) conststapl::core_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc >
size_type typedef (defined in stapl::core_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc >)stapl::core_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc >
sort_edges(Comp const &comp)stapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >
sort_edges_ascending(void)stapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >
sort_edges_locality(void)stapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >
sparse_domain typedef (defined in stapl::hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived >)stapl::hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived >
this_type typedef (defined in stapl::hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived >)stapl::hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived >
vertex_descriptor typedef (defined in stapl::hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived >)stapl::hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived >
vertex_iterator typedefstapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >
vertex_property typedef (defined in stapl::hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived >)stapl::hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived >
vertex_reference typedef (defined in stapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >)stapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >
vertices(void) conststapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >
vertices_view_type typedef (defined in stapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >)stapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >
view_container_type typedef (defined in stapl::core_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc >)stapl::core_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc >
vp_apply(vertex_descriptor const &vd, Functor const &f) conststapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >
vp_apply_async(vertex_descriptor const &vd, Functor const &f)stapl::graph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, hgraph_view< PG, Dom, MapFunc, Derived > >
~object_holder() (defined in stapl::view_impl::object_holder< PG >)stapl::view_impl::object_holder< PG >protected